Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tips to Increase page views on your blog

Work by some blogs recently, I tried to increase the user's blog page-per-view. I have found that user access, an average of only 2. It is strange that most of the next blog Dawson, care AOT views on the page, they are too busy to click on Adsense and concerns related to access, even make a profit! However, it can increase page views also lead to more users to your blog, and not by custom to leave. Increase the reader can increase the linkcount, and references, and also have a password of the network services of the mouth. I tried to launch a blog and can keep them in the blog are some tips for tourists. Deep-link on your site: If you have to read through the search engine, employment, and opportunities for you, and an initial interest in this specific problem. The link to open the same subject or topic is a great way to keep your blog and are displayed to the user. For you, Äôve link with the previous post written comments, and this is the way comedy will return to the previous joke, and the public is troubled.

Under the Tang, AOT participation of all of your content in RSS format: If you can help the blind to show your post feed, and excerpts from your RSS. Not the whole story. This will stop the reader from reading posts users and force them to return to your site.

Please refer to the user does not have its own: to capture the user's attention and impressed their feelings. Talk about things that may help in your office. If you find that your blog a bit with a lot of knowledge and information, Äôll easy to increase page views a useful resource.

Targeted traffic: access to topics of great importance, and your blog will increase your user's overall satisfaction of the blog engine traffic. In an attempt to target the blog your own tags in the title, then copy the specific keywords.

Related posts: If you are using Wordpress appears beginning, the Avenue of the Stars a nice little components, and allows you to prove to the position with the current. We hope that this will allow blog readers to find jobs old and have become deeper and navigation.

Good navigation and labeling: It is, Street Stars mark significant messages and put them in a good navigation system. You also can bring, such as the 10 most senior positions of the read or components feature in the function

To create a series of articles: a series of positions, it is almost certain that the return visit will attract visitors. A string can contain any number of functions, with the passage of time, to disclose more detailed information on each progress, kindof like the soap opera

Comment in response: When the views and functionality specific users, to spend some time and effort to answer any questions or comments. This will help you to get the link with your readers.

Additional features: readers like features, and opinion polls, gravatars, e-mail subscriptions, and games are all factors that help to increase your blog's overall user experience.

I agree that this man is not all hosted blog visitors views or increase the page. If you have any suggestions please go to these comments, and good luck, even Monyet Online

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