Friday, May 8, 2009

Will unite in Marriage?

When we married, of course we realize that we will have to share everything with the pair, not the exception of the bed. May be spelled, bedroom is the heart of a relationship. In the bedroom we shared stories about the day-to-day, speaking from the heart to heart about the relationship with a partner, and of course, conduct intimate relationships. If we are not Sehati with the pair, then we do not unite and choose the bed bedrooms each. Because no longer a vision, then we do not want to share anymore, let alone deal with the intimate pair.
But the world has changed. Couples who are now still tend to be in harmony "does not unite bed" (in quotes), after the obligations as a husband-wife. A survey conducted by the National Sleep Foundation in 2001 found that 12% husband-wife pairs in the United States alone to sleep. In 2005 this figure increased to 23%.
Why couples are sleeping separately harmony?
Designer Diane von Furstenberg is one of the examples of women who have a harmonious relationship with a partner, but chose to sleep alone without accompanied her husband. He slept on his boutique in New York, while her husband stayed in the Carlyle. Designers say this in the Town & Country magazine, this would happen because the husband is very menghargainya. Some couples who are not sleeping together; Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth, and Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter, who also have their own home.
Generally, one of the couples who want to have the room settings, because they may not be able to sleep in the lights on, or spouse snore. Patrick Miller, an instructor in the history of Cambridge University, frank said that he and his paramour are a researcher, choose to sleep in each room. "I do not like people who have sway when I want to sleep. It is so, it was heavy snorer, and I have nerve disease, so I take longer to fall asleep," he said.
Initially, this pair to sleep in one room, but one to sleep in under the mattress. At the beginning of the beloved, Karen Violet Shaftesbury, does not like such settings, but ultimately a willingness to follow Patrick. "Patrik usually come to my body until I fall asleep, and tiptoe to her own rooms. If I awakened midnight, but it's also fair enggak allow it to sleep soundly," said Karen.
For Neil Stanley, sleep researchers from the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, couples who sleep separately will disperse only pure myth. Thus, "The fatigue would be more miserable, and have more risk of divorce."
Must share a bed, according to Stanley, it's just a cultural norm, there is no basis ilmiahnya. "Sleep is the most selfish things we can do, and we do not need them," specifically.
What about you? Still continue to become real trouble disrupted snorkle husband?

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